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I noticed that the monthly payment for the ranch is there, but the monthly payment for the ones in the ranch is not showing. I have to go all the way to year 2 and check the even. Every time I go check if there is an event for that week, the calendar show me as if I were in year 1. I finished the first year in game and currently in year 2. The other problem is when reading the calendar. Fixes taming slimeboy bug when only slimeboy is in battle.Error when clicking on seeds in inventory menu.

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Note: You don't have to start a new playthrough to get quest log feature, BUT some descriptions of the quest might be not up-to-date (those description was initially just for testing purpose, so I didn't really pay attention to them :p)Īside from that, this build also fixes the following errors: To make side-quests easier to manage, I've added a feature update in 0.1.4, which is.

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